Note to Self:  “Season’s Eatings” is tough to navigate but you are tougher!

Who knew it would take a global pandemic for me to hunker down and work on shedding some extra pounds that have been plaguing me most of my adult life?  I’m not sure how it happened, because goodness gracious I have tried over, and over again to lose these pounds.  I would be embarrassed to list out all the “plans” I have tried and ditched before I really gave it a fighting chance.  My usual process looks like this

Step 1 – read a gazillion Pinterest articles and testimonials about the latest plan for a couple of weeks.

  Step 2 – think about starting that plan for another couple of weeks

Step 3 – write down some ideas and step by step plan in a notebook.  That takes another week and a half

Step 4 – buy the required food and/or book (I am my mother’s child) and start the new eating plan

Step 5 – implement the plan for a week and a half and notice there is no change in weight. 

Step 6 – jump ship and declare that plan isn’t for me.   Rinse and repeat. 

Please tell me I’m not alone in this!  It is frustrating, at best.  But during the quarantine period that started in February 2020 I had a mindset shift.  I did not want this time to be wasted.  I wanted to accomplish something important to me during this weird season.  I started thinking of this as a marathon instead of a sprint and settled in for the long term. 

Maybe you have been working hard to lose weight and you are finally seeing some results.  High fives all around!  I know what a great accomplishment that is.  But now here we are facing the hardest part of the year for weight loss – Season’s Eatings.  It’s the most caloric time of the year!  It starts around Halloween and doesn’t let up until after Valentine’s Day.  That’s a lot of holidays and opportunities for overeating!  Here’s the deal.  It takes me FOREVER and a day to lose 3 pounds and about 5 minutes at a holiday meal to gain those pounds back!  It is totally unfair!  This year I am more determined than ever not to reverse the progress I have made.  I would like to keep moving forward rather than just standing still or going backward. So, I put together a list of the tips and habits that I have used on and off throughout this year to help me stay on track and encourage you to do the same. Plus, a note to self about this plan to navigate the Season’s Eatings.

How to Navigate Season’s Eatings without gaining your weight back:

  1. Keep drinking water.  When the weather turns colder you may think you don’t need as much water to stay hydrated, but you do!  Try to drink half of your weight in oz of water each day. Did you know that sometimes when you think you are hungry you are actually dehydrated?  Try drinking water before every meal or snack to help you feel full and not overeat.
  2. Eat some non-starchy vegetables every day.  I am going to set a goal for at least one green salad a day.  If you fill up on veggies you won’t be as likely to overeat on other foods.
  3. Sit down and eat your meals.  Just say “no” to grazing!  This is hard for me.  I think I am eating light if I just take a few bites of this or that.  But I end up not being satisfied and continue to go back and graze.  Not helpful.
  4. Make good choices! Maybe don’t have the Little Debbie cake AND your favorite homemade Christmas cookies. During this time save room for the holiday favorites by choosing not to buy the processed snacks you usually go for. 
  5. Enjoy your holiday favorites. If you are going to eat the favorite holiday treats then really enjoy them.  Focus on the experience, the traditions, the people.  Take your time, eat slow and savor the food.  Oh, and drop the guilt while you are at it.
  6. Practice portion control.  This is so hard during holidays when you want to eat ALL of the coconut pie or sweet potato casserole.  Remind yourself that you can get more later.  Use smaller plates to fool the eye about the size of the servings.
  7. Avoid snacking after dinner.  I think this is where a lot of my extra pounds come from.  This one is so hard for me!  Go for some comforting teas or flavored water instead.  Ask yourself if you are really and truly hungry before grabbing that snack.   
  8. Three-bite rule for desserts.  If you are trying to avoid high calorie foods or deserts but don’t want to miss out, try eating just 3 bites.  Then share the rest or put it up for another day.
  9. Move every day.  Set a goal to be active for at least 30 minutes every day.  It doesn’t even have to be done all at once.  Go on a 15-minute walk in the morning and in the evening.  Run around the yard with your kids.  Dance in the living room.  Do yoga or ride a bike.  Be intentional about this.  It makes a huge difference in setting you up for success.
  10. Keep track of your food intake. Create a journal or use an app like My Fitness Pal to keep up with how much you are consuming. When I do this, it really makes a difference. But every single time, I slack on this task I begin to slip back into my old ways. Keeping a visual tab of the amount that I am eating keeps me accountable. If I come in under my goal for the day it’s like getting a gold star! Each day I can see the small victories add up. I can also see where I went off track and make the necessary adjustments quickly. Consistency is key!
  11. Find a buddy.  Connect with someone else that is on this journey and think of ways to support each other and have fun at the same time.  It helps to know there is someone else in the fight with you!

Consistency is key for all of these tips. Keep doing the tried and true things that got you where you are now and keep these basic habits in mind to get you through this challenging time of Season’s Eatings. And another thing, write a note to Self.  Because you ain’t going back to the beginning!

Dear Self,

You are one tough Mama!  You made up your mind to make a plan to finally shed those pesky pounds! You put the work in, stayed consistent and now those small victories are adding up to reaching your bigger goal.  It took work to reroute your brain to forge new habits.  Now look at you! You are stronger, healthier, and more content. 

I want to remind you where you came from and where you are going because this journey isn’t over.  You still have to wake up each day and decide to make your health a priority.  But, here’s the deal, you are heading into the toughest battle – the holidays. Get out your calendar and make yourself a plan for each day.  Add a note of encouragement, a warning or a strategy to focus on for every day. Plan for the big events so you don’t overeat.  Go into this with your eyes open and all of your resources at hand.  Stay focused and intentional.  You are in control!  Add at least 3 tips and strategies to this note as a commitment to yourself.  Keep moving forward!


Your Best Self

I’m going to print this list and note and keep it visible from now to the end of the year.  This is my game plan!  What about you? Do you have your game plan ready? Let’s do this!