by Stacia Emerson, PhD

It’s a common belief that creative people thrive best in unlimited freedom, with no rules to confine their imaginative spirit. But, in reality, structure is necessary for the freedom creatives crave. Having support systems for creativity is an important part of developing your craft.

You know I love a good garden analogy and today is no exception.

Imagine a garden trellis, where plants grow freely yet are guided and supported by a structure. Similarly, creatives can flourish with a framework that nurtures and directs their energy. Here’s how building a support system for creativity can be your creative trellis.

Read about my creative story here

Structure as a Catalyst for Creative Freedom

Guidelines for Growth

Think of a trellis guiding a vine’s ascent. Structure doesn’t limit creativity; it channels it. Imagine setting a clear project goal, like outlining a novel. This roadmap doesn’t confine your story but provides a path for your creativity to flow within. Certainly your characters can still surprise you, and plot twists can still emerge organically, but the outline ensures your story stays cohesive and compelling. By building your support system creativity is enhanced.

Support for Ideas

A trellis supports a plant’s tender shoots, just as regular brainstorming sessions with fellow creatives can nurture your ideas. Picture a weekly coffee chat with your creative tribe where you share snippets of your projects. This consistent support system for creativity helps you explore and expand your concepts, much like a vine spreading across a trellis, intertwining with new and exciting ideas brought by your peers.

Consider the legendary rock band, The Beatles. Often perceived as symbols of unlimited freedom and spontaneous creativity, their most acclaimed work was actually produced in the structured environment of Abbey Road Studios, under the guidance of producer George Martin. This structured support system for creativity was crucial in transforming their innovative ideas into timeless music.

Strength in Focus

Plants cling to a trellis for stability. Similarly, a structured schedule strengthens your focus. Imagine dedicating specific hours each day or week to your craft, free from the demands of daily life. This time becomes sacred, a non-negotiable appointment with your creativity. The consistency transforms fleeting inspiration into sustained productivity, allowing you to dive deeper into your work.

Order Amidst Chaos

A trellis organizes a plant’s growth, preventing it from sprawling aimlessly. Tools like Trello or Asana can bring order to your creative process, keeping track of deadlines, resources, and progress. This structure ensures your projects stay on course, turning chaotic creativity into orderly progress. Think of it as your creative project’s GPS, guiding you step by step.

Minimized Distractions

Just as a trellis keeps plants from entangling with weeds, a dedicated creative space minimizes distractions. Whether it’s a cozy nook in your home or a separate studio, a space tailored to your needs allows you to focus fully on your creative work. Fill it with objects that spark joy and inspiration—a favorite piece of art, a comfy chair, or the perfect lighting. This space becomes your creative sanctuary.

Building Your Creative Trellis: Support Systems for Flourishing Creativity

Support System

  • build a community
  • collaborate
  • maintain a schedule
  • access resources
  • set clear goals
  • seek feedback

To keep growing as a creative, constructing a robust support system for creativity is essential. Here’s how to build your creative trellis:

Build a Community

Surround yourself with a network of like-minded individuals. Join local art groups, online forums, or social media communities to share your work, receive feedback, and find inspiration. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are fantastic for connecting with other creatives and showcasing your projects. Imagine the synergy of ideas flowing back and forth, sparking new projects and collaborations.


Collaborations infuse fresh energy into your work. Try partnering with other creatives on joint projects, such as art exhibitions, co-authored books, or community murals. These partnerships introduce new techniques and perspectives, enriching your creative journey. Think of it as a dance where you learn new steps and rhythms from your partner, creating a masterpiece together.

A shining example of how structured support systems for creativity enhance productivity is Pixar Animation Studios. Known for its groundbreaking storytelling and innovative animations, Pixar operates within a highly structured environment that fosters collaboration. Their “brain trust” meetings, where directors and writers receive candid feedback from peers, illustrate how supportive structures can lead to extraordinary creative outcomes. Movies like Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Inside Out are products of this collaborative environment.

Maintain a Consistent Schedule

Consistency is the backbone of productive creativity. Set aside regular time slots each week dedicated to your craft. Whether it’s an hour each morning for writing or an afternoon for painting, a routine helps you build momentum and make creativity a regular part of your life. Imagine these dedicated times as the sturdy rungs of your trellis, supporting your creative climb.

Create a Dedicated Space

A designated creative space can significantly boost your productivity. Whether it’s a home office, a studio, or a quiet corner, make it a place where you feel inspired and ready to create. Fill it with tools, materials, and objects that spark your imagination. This space becomes your personal trellis, holding you up and keeping you focused.

Access the Right Resources

Ensure you have the necessary tools and resources for your projects. Invest in quality materials, take online courses, and keep a well-stocked library of inspiring books. Websites like Skillshare and Coursera offer courses to help you learn new skills and techniques, enhancing your creative endeavors. Think of these resources as the nutrients your creative plant needs to thrive.

Additional Tips for Building Your Creative Trellis

Set Clear Goals

Define your creative objectives. Clear, attainable goals provide direction and motivation. For instance, aim to complete a series of paintings by year-end or write a chapter each month. Goals give your creativity a purpose and a target to strive towards, much like a trellis guiding a vine.

Seek Feedback

Regular feedback refines your work and keeps you on track. Share your progress with trusted friends, mentors, or within your creative community. Constructive criticism offers new insights and pushes your work to greater heights. Think of it as pruning your plant to encourage stronger, healthier growth.

Embrace Routine Breaks

While consistency is crucial, taking regular breaks to recharge is equally important. Schedule downtime to relax and explore new inspirations. This balance prevents burnout and keeps your creativity fresh and vibrant. Your plant needs time to rest and soak in the sun, just as you need moments of rest to rejuvenate.

In essence, building support systems for creativity is akin to setting up a garden trellis. It provides the necessary structure, support, and order, allowing your creativity to reach new heights. Embrace the power of a structured approach, and watch your creative potential blossom.

One way you can start building your creative trellis immediately is join in the Originally Southern creative community. Find out what services I offer as support here.

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