As summer winds down, you might find yourself in a creative slump. If you’re anything like me, the long, hot days of summer might have lulled you into a creative slumber. Those projects that once excited you now feel like a chore, and finding that spark seems almost impossible. It is time for a late summer creative reset.

Even though it is hot as hades here in the South, Summer is probably my favorite season. I love days at the pool, family gatherings, cookouts, all. the. things. But as a teacher, i viewed fall as a season of fresh starts and new opportunities.

It is time to hit that button for a late summer creative reset and recharge your creative energy. Even though I am usually leaving summer behind reluctantly, I am ready for a refresh by August.

This late summer creative reset will help you shake off the lethargy of summer and step into fall with a renewed sense of purpose and creativity.

Why a Late Summer Creative Reset is Important

Creativity isn’t a constant; it ebbs and flows with the seasons, our moods, and the rhythm of our lives. As the last days of summer crept by, I found myself struggling to finish even the simplest creative tasks. The sun was still shining, but my inspiration had packed up and left early. Summer, with its relaxed vibe and laid-back pace, can be a wonderful time to rest and rejuvenate. But it can also lead to creative stagnation. The “on again, off again” type of summer schedule, often means our creative routines slip. Sometimes our projects get put on hold, and our motivation to create dwindles.

Fall is calling

By the end of summer, I knew something had to change. I couldn’t carry this lethargy into the fall, a season I always associate with new beginnings. That’s when I decided to investigate a late summer creative reset. A process that would reengage my focus and prepare me for the fresh start fall promises. The promise of cooler weather, cozy vibes, and a return to routine, was just the thing I needed to recharge my creative batteries.

By intentionally resetting your creativity now, you’ll be ready to embrace the season ahead with a fresh, focused mindset. Whether you’re working on personal projects, building your creative business, or simply looking to infuse more creativity into your daily life, a late summer creative reset can give you the boost you need.

Simple Steps for a Late Summer Creative Reset

This late summer creative reset will clear your mind, refresh your space, and help you rediscover the joy of creating.

Three simple steps for a reset:

Step 1: Reflect on Summer’s creative moments

. The summer sun, with its warm embrace, had turned into a comfort zone — one that I found increasingly difficult to shed. The starting point for this late summer creative reset needed to be quick and painless.

This reset starts by looking back at the creative moments you’ve experienced this summer What did you create? What did you learn? Did you try something new, or perhaps revisit an old passion? Reflecting on these moments is a powerful way to acknowledge your progress and growth. Even if the summer wasn’t as productive as you had hoped, you can still find some wins.

Grab a journal and jot down your thoughts.

Consider these questions: What creative activities brought you joy this summer? Were there any challenges you overcame? How did your creative process evolve? Reflecting on your experiences will help you identify the aspects of your creativity that you want to carry into the fall and those that you might want to leave behind.

Step 2: Clear Your Creative Space

Now it’s time to clear the physical and mental clutter that might be holding you back. Start by decluttering your creative space. When your environment is free of distractions and clutter, it’s easier to focus and let your creativity flow. Whether it’s a dedicated studio, a corner of your living room, or even just a drawer filled with art supplies, give it a good clean-out. Organize your tools, tidy up your workspace, and get rid of anything that no longer serves your creative goals.

A clear space often leads to a clear mind. Plus, reorganizing your space can be a fun, creative project in itself! Rearrange your materials, create a mood board for fall, or set up a new workspace that inspires you.

Step 3: Engage in a Mindful Creative Activity

With your space and mind cleared, it’s time to ease back into creativity with a mindful activity. The key here is to choose something that’s low-pressure and enjoyable. Something that allows you to reconnect with your creative side without the stress of completing a big project.

Consider activities like doodling, painting, or making a vision board or bucket list for the upcoming season. The goal is to engage in the creative process in a way that feels meditative and relaxing. Focus on the sensations, the colors, the textures—let yourself get lost in the moment.

How to Sustain This Energy Into Fall

Congratulations! You’ve completed your late summer creative reset, but the journey doesn’t end here. To sustain this renewed creative energy into the fall, it’s important to build habits that keep the momentum going.

Start by setting weekly creative goals. These don’t have to be huge—just small, manageable tasks that keep you creating regularly. Maybe you want to sketch for 10 minutes every morning. Or perhaps dedicate one afternoon a week to working on a larger project. The key is consistency.

You might also want to try exploring new creative outlets. If you’ve always been a painter, try writing. If you’re a writer, experiment with photography. Broadening your creative horizons can keep your energy high and your ideas fresh.

And finally, consider committing to a daily creative practice. This could be as simple as journaling each morning or taking a few minutes to sketch before bed. The more you integrate creativity into your daily life, the more natural it will feel.

One great way to maintain this creative momentum is by joining a supportive community. My virtual co-working sessions are a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded women who are also working to infuse creativity into their daily lives. Together, we can hold each other accountable, share ideas, and keep that creative energy high. You can sign up for my Creative Power Hour here.

Also, check out this list of amazing resources to get your creative mindset on fire again.


As summer draws to a close, now is the perfect time to recharge your creativity and prepare for the exciting opportunities that fall brings. By reflecting on your summer, clearing your creative space, and engaging in mindful activities, you can reset your creative energy. You will enter the new season with a fresh perspective.

As the leaves begin to change, so too can your creative energy. Let’s embrace this season of transformation together, stepping into fall with open hearts, clear minds, and a heaping portion of inspiration. Ready to take your creativity to the next level?

Subscribe to my newsletter for more tips, inspiration, and community support. Let’s make this fall your most creative season yet!